It's been raining constantly for the past few days and our house looks like it's on an island. There are no tea bushes in front of the house, just paddy fields and these are, at the moment filled with water. As I write this, I can hear the drops of water plink plonking from the roof onto the cemented drain. The plants, thirsting for water a few days ago, are now full to the brim. It should be gloomy as the sun's away but it's strangely

not. There's a calm peace and coziness all around, reminding me of cold winter days...
That's a place to be.....; the view from your window is breath-taking... and would it be 'insane' to say that it's inspiring too....
...perhaps to read a book...
... to write...
... to jump into the cliff of dreams!!!
Thanks for reading...I am really lazy sometimes, and the view that you admired is a prime culprit...
From here in Delhi, how much do I miss the rains...as it can rain only in Assam. Hope to visit the Amgoorie Tea Estate as soon as possible.
there's truly no place like a tea garden in assam in the rains
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