I don't think nowadays. That I don't really get the time to think is another matter but despite this, I used to carve out a few minutes which turned into hours of reflections. Love is not a 'bhaste' of time, thought is. And a much greater 'bhaste' than thought is reacting to this thought or speaking out about it or the 'bhastiest' of them all: writing about it. (Ek toh more than half junta doesn't understand what's written in these articles and focus on just a couple of words. Arre yaar, kuch kehna hi he toh pictures se bolo na ya video daal do. And that too kindly do it in Hindi, in points with not more than 5 words.)
Don't think, don't react. Instead do what smart guys like Adani are doing...make hay while the sun shines. Let the country go to hell debating stupid issues like peacock tears and PC's non-PC posture while you quietly keep increasing your bank worth. Don't make any noise, work silently, keep people who make laws happy. Tomorrow oil and coal might be overtaken by solar and other alternative energies but for now, the government is happy collecting taxes despite decreasing world prices, also giving more clearance leeway and you are happy to squeeze out as much as you can, while you can.

Don't be fools, don't be swayed by the waves of patriotism and get entangled in debates with other fools. War is good. Discontent is good. Be selfish...you have just one life. Your heart will last longer, your finances will be larger, basically life won't be a 'bhaste of time'. Oh, and yes, if people raise questions...you know those fools who have no other work, don't worry. There is another lot of fools ready to fight for you and say, 'Where were you when the Congress looted the nation for 60 years?' or better still: 'leftie sala' or launch massive viral whatsapp jokes...If all else fails, there is always our friendly media who will start another issue with a non-issue to entertain and divert the nation.

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